Can Dogs Have Honey

by John Staughton (BASc, BFA) last updated -

Many dog owners worry when feeding their pets human food. S0, when dogs have honey, it becomes a cause for concern. Fortunately, there is a very low risk associated with honey. It is generally healthy food, as it bears a few impressive health benefits for your pooch!

Can Dogs Have Honey?

If you get scared when your dog laps up a bit of spilled honey, don’t worry about your dog’s safety. Honey is packed with beneficial nutrients and sugars and is one of the most commonly used sweeteners in the world. However, whenever you give your canine companion any human food, it should be done in moderation. Most of a dog’s nutrients are taken care of in the course of a normal diet, but small treats on the side are typically fine. If your dog has certain health conditions, such as diabetes or obesity, you need to be much more careful about them eating honey. Furthermore, you should not give honey to dogs with compromised immune systems, or very young puppies, as there can be botulism spores in honey – particularly organic and raw varieties. [1]

A puppy next to a plate with a honeycomb soaked in honey

Is it safe for dogs to have honey? Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Benefits of Feeding Honey to Dogs

Not only can most dogs have honey, but there may be some health benefits to giving them this healthy treat, such as increasing their energy levels, protecting their immune system, relieving allergies, and healing wounds, among others.

Boosts Energy

Honey is a concentrated source of carbohydrates, which are broken down into the body as simple sugars. This can provide an energizing kick to your pup, particularly if they seem overly fatigued or abnormal.

Strengthens Immunity

Honey is famed for its antibacterial qualities, which can benefit your dog, primarily by clearing out their gastrointestinal system and promoting the production of white blood cells. [2]

Reduces Allergies

Numerous studies have found that honey can suppress the allergic response in the body, so if your pooch seems to be allergic to every plant or weed it sniffs, a bit of honey in their meals can help soothe these symptoms. [3]

Heals Wounds

Honey is also known to have healing properties and can be topically applied to wounds, as this can prevent infections, while also stimulating blood flow and speeding up the healing process. [4]

Aids Digestion

Honey can help soothe inflammation in the gut, balance bacterial levels, and reduce the symptoms of common stomach problems for your pooch, such as diarrhea and vomiting. [5]

How much Honey can you Feed your Dog?

As with any “human” food, honey should only be given to dogs in small quantities. Letting your dog lick a bit of extra honey off your fingers is fine, and you can even add honey to their food in small amounts. Excessive consumption of honey, however, can lead to problems with your dog’s blood sugar levels and can lead to obesity since honey is a dense source of calories. No more than 2 tablespoons should be given to your dog at a time, or else they may experience gastrointestinal distress and other side effects. Protection Status
About the Author

John Staughton is a traveling writer, editor, publisher and photographer with English and Integrative Biology degrees from the University of Illinois in Champaign-Urbana (USA). He co-founded the literary journal, Sheriff Nottingham, and now serves as the Content Director for Stain’d Arts, a non-profit based in Denver, Colorado. On a perpetual journey towards the idea of home, he uses words to educate, inspire, uplift and evolve.

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