Yoga Therapy: The Key to Stress Management

by Harsh Shah last updated -

Yoga therapy is an ancient wellness practice that talks about the holistic treatment of the mind as well as the body. Experts believe that one cannot attain true health and well-being by cleaning the body from outside. It needs to be cleansed from within as well. It also includes eliminating negative elements from the soul as well. It is a mental and physical discipline, targeted towards acquiring a balance between body, spirit, and mind. When practiced correctly, yoga has the ability to heal the body and eradicate many diseases.

Understanding Yoga Therapy

When you fall ill, you go to the doctor. He identifies the problem and prescribes certain pharmaceutical pills to act on the disease-causing germs. These pills show quick results but can pave the path for several side-effects. Natural therapeutic practices like yoga, color therapy, and Ayurveda do take time to work, but they do not cause any side effects.

Yoga therapy works by self-empowerment. It has multi-dimensional benefits and shows positive results on the body as well as the mind. A person can get relief from bodily and mental pain with the assistance of several yoga exercises, meditation, breathing exercises, and guided positive imagery. Yoga therapy can actually deliver the benefits of treatments like psychotherapy and physical therapy as well. Scientists, back then, had nullified the positive effects of yoga but recent studies show that it plays a significant role in healing and wellness in modern times. [1]

A young woman practicing yoga and meditation in the forest

Yoga is a form of exercise. Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Stress: A Silent Killer

An inability to control situations and outcomes can produce stress in our minds. Though good stress drives people to utilize their time and talent constructively, bad stress creates havoc in the overall well-being of any individual.

No matter how hard you try, it is impossible not to worry about things happening around you. Office deadlines, professional expectations, personal relations, attainment of goals, and failure to do so, everything produces stress in mind. Each human can handle pressure, but once he reaches the saturation, it creates several other concerns. Too much tension can cause anxiety, depression, lack of appetite, lower immunity, improper organ functioning. If left unchecked, it can have detrimental effects on the physical and mental well-being of the person. The worst fact is, stress can attack people of all ages. As its signs are subtle, it is rather hard to identify it. So, mental health specialists suggest consulting an expert at regular intervals.

Yoga Therapy for Stress

As yoga therapy involves the well-being of the mind as well as the body, it works best for patients suffering from stress and anxiety. In case you have low to mild stress and depression, yoga therapy shows results within a few weeks. Yoga therapy can relieve stress through physical exercises, breathing exercises, and meditation. People suffering from chronic stress need to take regular medication, under the supervision of doctors. Yoga therapy along with this medication can assist the patient to get better soon; thereby playing a complementary role.


Yogasans help release the tension from your body and restore the normal energy flow. Dress in comfortable, soft, and loose-fitting clothes to enjoy the experience.

The most popular postures are:

  • Tadasana or mountain pose
  • Balasana or child pose
  • Padmasana or lotus pose
  • Adho mukha svanasana or downward-facing pose
  • Savasana or corpse pose

All these postures highlight the need for calming the mind and body by remaining still. The last exercise, in particular, is rather popular as you get to lie on your back, close your eyes and bask in the serenity, calmness, and positivity in the universe. Some poses require expert supervision, as repeating a wrong pose will do more harm than good.


Stress and anxiety agitate the nerves in the mind and body. Taking in deep breathes, holding them for few seconds and then exhaling has an instant calming effect. This practice allows the jittery nerves to release the energy trapped in them. Pranayam is an integral part of yoga therapy. It boosts slow and regular breathing. It enables more oxygen to reach every part of your body. While practicing this effective breathing exercise, one can eliminate all negative thoughts from the mind.


Other than eliminating stress from your body and mind, meditation improves concentration, creativity, productivity, and memory. It also increases a person’s willpower that assists in keeping a safe distance from any depression or anxiety. It directly improves the body by lowering blood pressure.

The number of yoga fans is rising significantly. When so many celebrities, as well as commoners, are embracing yoga therapy, it must be doing something right. If you desire to rid your mind and body from the adverse effects of stress, then it is the right time to include yoga in your daily routine. Protection Status
About the Author

Harsh is the co-founder of Fynd, a first-of-its-kind, e-commerce fashion platform dealing with a live inventory of 8K plus stores catering to more than 8 million customers. Fynd is a central online shopping destination for fashion, offering clothing items like shorts, trousers and other accessories for Men, Women, and Kids. Harsh is an engineer from IIT Bombay and has 7+ years of experience in the field of Fashion Retail, Hospitality, Management Consulting, and Human Resources. He is currently working on expanding Fynd’s presence on the global radar.

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