When dogs eat mango, it may cause some concern in pet owners, but there is no danger to dogs when they eat this fruit, provided they do so in moderation.
Can Dogs Eat Mango?
It is safe for dogs to eat mango, but there are a number of restrictions that you should be aware of before sharing a slice of mango with your canine companion. Mango is a rich source of many nutrients, including vitamin C and vitamin A, among others, which can be beneficial for your dog’s overall health. While dogs are primarily carnivores, adding some nutrient-dense fruits and vegetables into their diet isn’t harmful, when done in moderation.
It is important to remember that dogs will receive all of the nutrients they need from their normal dog food, so adding human food to their diet should be considered an occasional treat, not a regular dietary staple or replacement for normal food. You should also vary the food that you give to your dogs, ensuring that they get a good range of essential nutrients, rather than vitamins and minerals solely from one type of food.

Can dogs eat mangos? Photo Credit: Shutterstock
How Can Dogs Eat Mango?
While eating a mango is safe for dogs, you still need to follow certain instructions to ensure your pup’s health. First of all, mangos contain both seeds and pits, which should always be removed before giving your dog this treat. Both of these represent choking hazards, in addition to the small amount of cyanide found in the pits of these fruits. You should also remove the skin of the mango before sharing it with your pooch, as this can cause inflammation in the stomach and gastrointestinal problems. [1]
As mentioned above, food like mangos shouldn’t become a regular addition to your dog’s intake, but giving your pooch a few slices of mango 1-2 times per week will not do any harm. When you first begin giving this fruit to your dog, watch for any unusual behavior of digestive upset, as this is the most common side effect. In most cases, when giving your dog an appropriate amount of this fruit, no side effects will occur.
Health Benefits of Mango for Dogs
The health benefits dogs can enjoy from eating mangos include a stronger immune system, regulated digestion, better heart health, and boost vision.
Immune System
With a great amount of vitamin C, which dogs cannot naturally produce in their body, mango is a good way to boost your pet’s immune system and help him defend against infections. [2]
Heart Health
Cholesterol isn’t only a problem for humans; your dog’s heart health can also be improved and protected with regular consumption of mango. [3]
As in humans, dietary fiber can help to regulate digestion and improve bowel movements, particularly if your dog is struggling with constipation or indigestion. [4]