Feeding rabbits watermelon is a great way to give your furry pets a delicious treat, but you must do so in moderation.
Can Rabbits Eat Watermelon?
Researchers and veterinarians agree that watermelon is not inherently dangerous to give to your pet rabbit. Watermelon is primarily made up of water, which will help to keep your pet hydrated, particularly during the summer months. However, rabbits are very small, and most of their nutritional needs can be taken care of through their basic diet of pellets, hay, and water. Watermelon also provides certain key nutrients that can help to keep your rabbit healthy, such as vitamin C, vitamin A, and magnesium. [1]
You should only give your rabbit watermelon in moderation, and it should not be a regular replacement for their other foods. If you give your rabbit watermelon 2-3 times per week, keep the portions small – 1 tablespoon per 2 pounds of body weight. More than that can result in a variety of negative side effects.

A furry rabbit. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Good vs Bad in Watermelon Feeding to Rabbits
If you feed your rabbit watermelon, there can be both positive and negative effects. On the positive side, you will prevent dehydration, give your bunny’s immune system a boost, and improve their digestive process. However, if you give your rabbit too much watermelon, it will result in a soft or loose stool, which can mean quite a mess around your house. Watermelon is very sweet, which can alter the bacterial environment in your rabbit’s stomach for days at a time. It is better to alternate your rabbit’s diet with vegetables, as well as fruits, as a compliment (not a replacement) for their more traditional food. [2]
Can Rabbits Eat Watermelon Seeds?
If you are going to give your rabbit moderately sized portions of watermelon, be sure to remove all the seeds first. These stiff, potentially sharp seeds can act as a choking hazard to your rabbit. Some of the smaller white seeds can be allowed to remain in the watermelon, but to be safe, remove those too, or purchase a seedless watermelon.
Can Rabbits Eat Watermelon Rind?
Rabbits should not eat the watermelon rind, as this is very dense and fibrous, and not all that delicious for your pet. This part of the fruit will also cause the most intestinal discomfort if a large amount is eaten. For the best experience for you and your pet, stick to the red, juicy sections, and introduce the fruit very slowly in their diet, to gauge how their body reacts to eating watermelon.