Bell-shaped and mostly sweet to taste, pears are fruits that are widely available in different varieties. They can be eaten either crisp or soft. You can choose to eat it whole or include it in your diet in the form of salads, baked dishes, or desserts. In whichever way you may choose to have it, it is ideal to eat pears when they are ripe. Here is our article, How To Ripen Pears, that explains the different ways to mature the fruit. It is also advisable to eat it with its skin intact as most of the nutrients are present in that. That said, let us delve into the different ways of incorporating pears in your daily diet.
How To Eat Pears?
If you gently press down on the pear’s neck using your finger and if the flesh feels soft, you know that it is ripe enough to be eaten. The pears don’t necessarily have to change color in order for you to know it has ripened. Some pears simply don’t change color. Check your pears daily to ensure they are not rotting. If it helps, come up with techniques such as writing the purchase date on top of the bag to help you remember for how long have they been inside the bag.

Pears are delicious when poached in wine or any other poaching syrup. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
The most delicious pears are the ones that are eaten within days of ripening. There are several recipes with pears that you can try. They are as follows:
- Eat it as a whole: Eat the pear as you would an apple, skin included. Just ensure to wash the fruit properly before you eat it. You can choose to peel off the skin using a knife or a peeler. You can cut it into slices or chunks to add to your fruit bowl. Ensure you remove the core and seeds in the center. Pears make for a healthy breakfast or snack. Here is our article, 8 Powerful Health Benefits Of Pears that best explains why it is one of the healthiest fruits you will ever eat.
- Poached: Pears are delicious when poached. You can poach them gently in boiling water for 30 minutes until they begin to turn soft. They can either be soaked in honey, ginger, and cinnamon syrup, wine, or any other poaching syrup and kept in the refrigerator for two days ahead of using it in a delectable dessert, salad, or appetizer of your choice.
- Salads: They make for a great addition to salads. The sweetness and juiciness of the pears go exceptionally well with the crunchiness of leafy green vegetables, the deliciousness of the sauces and salad dressings, and the savoriness of proteins and nuts.
- Juices: You can also churn your moderately or overly riped chunks of pears into a delicious and healthy juice. You can mix it with other fruits to make interesting mocktails as well. Here is our article, 10 Incredible Benefits of Pear Juice that will best explain its health benefits and also its recipe. You can also read our Refreshing Apple and Pear Juice Recipe that works wonders as a detox drink.
Are Pears Acidic?
If these reasons aren’t enough for you to include pears to your diet, we have another one for you. Pears are noncitrus fruits that are less likely to trigger acid reflux. To know if the fruit in question is acidic or no, you need to check the pH value. If the pH of the fruit is 0, you know it has a high level of acidity. If the pH level is 7, you know it is neutral and if it is 14 then it is most basic or as you would call it, alkaline. According to the list of fruits and their pH level from Clemson University, pears have a pH level that lies somewhere between 3.50-4.60, which goes to show it is somewhat neutral. [1] [2]
When Are Pears In Season?
Pears are usually available from August to February, but this could vary depending on the variety. While Anjou pears arrive in the markets towards late September or early October and are available nearly throughout the year, the Comice ones are available from September to February. Bartlett pears are in season from August until December, while Bosc, Concord, and Specialty pears are available all the way from September to January. The Starkrimson ones are available from August to November.
Which Are The Sweetest Pears?
Pears that have properly ripened are deliciously sweet and juicy to eat. But its sweetness depends on its variety. Let us look at some of these varieties and their prominent attributes in detail.
- Sweetest and juiciest pears: Anjou, Bartlett, and Comice are considered to be the sweetest and juiciest of all varieties of pears.
- Crunchiest pears: Asian pears are known to be super crunchy, much like crisp apples.
- Soft and rich texture: French butter pears are great for cooking with and are known for their soft and rich texture. Seckel pears are also considered perfect for baking, canning, and poaching, because of their soft and rich texture. Another variety that works as a great snack option because of its taste and texture are the Forelle ones.