Parsley tea may perhaps have the abilities to detoxify the body, stimulate the immune system, improve vision, protect against chronic disease, prevent tumor formation, aid heart health, lower inflammation, freshen your breath, shield against asthma, regulate menstruation and lower the risk of birth defects. This powerful tea should not be used by everyone, particularly pregnant women, those with pre-existing kidney disorders, and people using blood-thinning medications.
What is Parsley Tea?
Scientifically known as Petroselinum crispum, [1]the parsley plant is an easily recognized and widely used plant, often as a garnish, but more and more for its impressive medicinal benefits. The two variants you have likely seen are curly and Italian parsley, both of which have similar chemical makeups and medicinal applications. The diverse blend of minerals and volatile compounds that can be found in parsley may provide its powerful impact on human health, which is why parsley tea is becoming such a popular natural remedy!
Parsley Tea Benefits
The health benefits of parsley tea may include anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, stimulant, antispasmodic, relaxant, and detoxifying properties. These benefits are derived from the possibly wide range of minerals, nutrients and antioxidants in this tea, such as iron, vitamin A, B, and C, as well as eugenol, limonene, apigenin, luteolin, and other active compounds that can be found in parsley. [2]
May Relieve Respiratory Distress
This herbal tea is often recommended for people suffering from asthma or other respiratory conditions. Beta-carotene, found in parsley, has directly been linked to lowering asthma risk, while the other infection-fighting vitamins and compounds(found in the tea) help loosen phlegm and mucus, and neutralize the underlying bacterial infection that may be causing the congestion, according to a study conducted by a team of researchers from the UK. [3] [4]
Might Boost Immunity
Parsley leaves are used in traditional Turkish medicine to reduce blood glucose levels. An animal study to verify this belief, published in Phytotherapy Research found that parsley significantly lowered the blood sugar levels in the subjects. Furthermore, it reduced other degenerative changes brought on by diabetes. [5]
Can Increase Circulation
According to a study published in the Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) – Bioenergetics Journal, parsley is rich in iron. Needless to say, its tea can be an excellent way to improve circulation in the body and might prevent “weak blood”, also known as anemia. Iron is a critical part of red blood cell production, which can help bring oxygenated blood to cells that need nutrients and oxygen for repair and function. The possibly high calcium level in parsley tea also helps the body better uptake iron, further helping circulatory problems. [6]
Possibly High in Folic Acid
Parsley tea is possibly high in folic acid, a critical B-family vitamin that is proven to reduce the likelihood of neural tube defects in infants. Folic acid is also the main compound that neutralizes homocysteine in the body, a compound that can do damage to the blood vessels, says a report published in the British Medical Journal. [7]
May Reduce the Risk of Kidney Stones
According to a study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacalogy, parsley tea is known as a diuretic substance, meaning that it can stimulate urination and the general cleansing of the bladder and kidneys. Diuretics may help the body to rapidly eliminate excess toxins, fats, salts, and water and reduce the strain on the kidneys. [8]
Parsley tea may also help to lower the occurrence of bladder infections and kidney stones, says a study published by the Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care. However, another study published in the Saudi Journal of Kidney Diseases and Transplantation found no significant difference in the health of 10 subjects who drank daily 1,200 ml of parsley leaf tea for 2 weeks, as against who drank plain water of the same quantity. Thus, further studies are required to corroborate this. [9]
May Ease Menstruation
Dysmenorrhea affects women all over the world, along with a number of other menstrual symptoms. Parsley tea is commonly used to mitigate the effects of menstruation, due to the possible presence of apiol, one of the compounds that can be found in parsley’s essential oils. According to a study published in the BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, apiol can help to regulate monthly periods and lessen their severity, particularly in the months after a woman gives birth. [10]
Can Act As a Breath Freshener
Famously, parsley is used to freshen the breath and might have certain potentially antibacterial properties that may make it great for oral health. There is a reason why parsley is so often used as a garnish in restaurants; parsley tea can offer the same benefits to your breath!
May lower blood sugar levels
Your body’s inability to produce sufficient insulin, which is an essential hormone to convert glucose into energy, can be what results in diabetes. A few animal studies have shown that parsley tea may have the potential to lower and manage blood sugar levels. A team of Turkish researchers published a study in the Phytotherapy Research Journal that showed a significant improvement in the liver health of rats with diabetes after they were administered with parsley. This in turn also regulated their blood sugar levels. [11]
Another animal study published in the Biological and Pharmaceutical Bulletin states how diabetic rats when administered with parsley showed significant reduction in body weight and blood sugar levels. However, a stronger scientific evidence is required to determine parsley’s anti-diabetic properties on human beings. [12]
How to Make Parsley Tea?
Making parsley tea is very easy, provided you have parsley (dried or fresh), water, and any natural sweeteners you may prefer. Fresh parsley leaves are usually recommended, but if you don’t have an herb garden, or if it is the dead of winter, dried parsley leaves will work perfectly well. Follow the simple steps below if you want to make this delicious and nutritious herbal tea!
Parsley Tea Recipe - The Perfect Detox Drink
- 30 grams of parsley leaves (fresh or dried)
- 2 cups of water
- 1 tsp lemon syrup
- 1 tsp of honey
- To make parsley tea, remove fresh parsley leaves from the stems and pat the leaves dry.
- Meanwhile, bring two cups of water to a boil in the pot.
- Add the parsley leaves to the water for about 1 minute before taking the pot off the heat.
- Allow the leaves to steep for approximately 10 minutes in the hot water.
- Pour mixture through strainer or coffee filter into a cup.
- Add honey and lemon syrup to taste, if desired, and then enjoy!
Side Effects of Parsley Tea
While parsley tea has its fair share of benefits, it also has a few potential side effects. For instance, as per a 2013 study published in the BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine journal, the leaf ethanol extract of Petroselinum crispum can be toxic if consumed in large quantities. Thus pregnant women are advised to refrain from consuming parsley tea as it could cause the uterine to contract. [13]