Drinking juices for five days straight may seem extreme, but you’ll be surprised at how many people are willing to take up the challenge. Most people go into the 5-day juice cleanse diet for weight loss. It could be a party, a wedding or the dreaded reunion, most people would love a quick-fix to their weight issues. But a juice cleanse has a deeper impact, from mindful eating, to clean living and overcoming food addictions.
What is a 5-Day Juice Cleanse?
The 5-day juice cleanse is based on juice fasting as proposed by the American author Jay Kordich. Meant to cleanse the body of all toxins, the juice cleanse prescribes only vegetable and fruit juices, while removing all solid food from your diet for five days. Many modified juice cleanses also include nut milks and soups. The food excluded are:
- Solid foods
- Alcohol
- Meat, fish, or poultry
- Dairy products
- Processed foods
- Any chemical additives

Can the celebrity favorite 5-day juice cleanse get you red-carpet ready? Photo Credit: Shutterstock
What to Expect in a 5-Day Juice Cleanse?
A 5-day juice cleanse is not easy. In fact, most people go for a day or 3-day juice cleanse. Most research on the subject is inconclusive. There is a reason why no dietician will recommend a fully juice-based diet to an otherwise healthy person. It is best followed for small durations. A UCLA study on 3-day juice fasting, published in Scientific Reports in 2017, found that it can promote weight loss and induce a general feeling of well-being. [1]
However, the duration is a critical factor when evaluating a juice cleanse. What is beneficial for three days will have a diminishing effect as the fast goes on. A juice diet lacks protein and fiber, two critical parts of our diet. It can be addressed to some extent by adding natural protein sources like hemp seeds and opting for smoothies in place of juices. However, an exclusive juice-based diet will have an effect on your muscle mass. The elimination of carbohydrates can also impact energy levels.
Most people experience the following effects when on a 5-day juice cleanse:
The most prominent and common feedback is craving for solid food. Since most people rarely ever survive solely on food, a juice diet seems unnatural. Many people reported craving solid food even when they were not hungry.
Energy Levels
The energy levels seem to be stable during a 5-day juice regime. While there may be a slight slump on the second day as the body adjusts, the overall levels remain fairly high. This could be a result of the elimination of caffeine which causes fluctuations of energy levels in the body. Interestingly, while your energy levels may improve, your muscles will weaken. Hence, despite feeling like it, even gentle exercising may tire you. So, it’s best to keep all physical activities at a low during this time.
Mental Agility
Many people report fluctuating moods. Some also find that their mental agility is affected. Remember, the brain needs carbs to function at optimum speed. When carbs are at low supply, it needs proteins and fats. The problem with a juice cleanse is that it eliminates all three food groups. This can make some people feel slower than usual. However, this is subjective and some people report the same level of alertness.
Sleeping Patterns
Many people report better sleeping patterns with deeper and uninterrupted sleep. This could be because of the elimination of caffeine and alcohol.
The usual progression is marked by optimism at the beginning, followed by withdrawal and then your body gets used to it. However, most people never quite leave their craving for solid foods, even if it is to eat a banana or a potato chip.
Best Juices For 5-Day cleanse
We have a selection of suitable juices in our article for a 3-day juice cleanse. This includes the essential detox carrot, beet, and green juices. You can also try our lemon juice and almond milk recipes. If you want a fruity zing, you can try our refreshing fruit juice.

Refreshing Apple & Pear Juice Recipe
- 2 green apples
- 1 pear
- 4 stalk of celery
- 1/2 lemon juiced
- Wash and scrub the fruits and celery thoroughly.
- Cut all the ingredients (except the lemon) and take out the seeds. Put the chopped pieces in a blender or juicer and whiz.
- Add the lemon juice and give it a stir. Your juice is ready!
Word of caution: A 5-day juice cleanse is quite drastic and it should be avoided by anyone with low immunity or an autoimmune disease. If you have an existing medical condition, such as diabetes or hypertension, be sure to take your doctor’s advice. When following the juice diet, you must also be careful about how you go about it.