The health benefits of geranium essential oil can be attributed to its properties as an astringent, hemostatic, cicatrizant, cytophylactic, diuretic, deodorant, styptic, tonic, vermifuge, and a vulnerary agent. It is widely used as an element in aromatherapy for its health benefits, including its ability to aid in skincare, balance hormones, relieve stress, reduce inflammation and irritation, alleviate the effects of menopause, improve circulation, benefit dental health, boost kidney health, and reduce blood pressure.
The essential oil of geranium is extracted through steam distillation of stems and leaves of the geranium plant (Pelargonium odorantissimum). The main components of this oil are alpha-pinene, myrcene, limonene, menthone, linalool, geranyl acetate, citronellol, geraniol, and geranyl butyrate.
Geranium Essential Oil Health Benefits
The essential oil of geranium has a lot to offer in terms of health, and people regularly enjoy many of the following health benefits listed below.
Astringent Property
The main function of an astringent is to induce contractions in various parts of the body. Accordingly, geranium oil makes the gums, muscles, intestines, skin, tissues, and blood vessels contract. Furthermore, this includes the contraction of abdominal muscles which gives you a better, toned look. Geranium essential oil can also prevent muscles and skin from sagging, as well as the untimely loosening and loss of teeth by tightening up the gums. Finally, it can reduce the presence of wrinkles by tightening the facial skin, thereby delaying some of the effects of premature aging.

Geranium essential oil works as an anti-inflammatory and anti-septic agent. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Prevents Bacterial Growth
The properties of geranium essential oil prevent bacteria or microbes from developing on wounds and also keep you safe from developing infections. This boost to the immune system allows the body’s defensive cells to focus on the internal challenges and dangers, rather than being weakened by peripheral toxins on the skin. [1]
Speeds up Healing
Geranium oil speeds up the healing process of wounds, cuts, and surgical incisions. This property makes it a vulnerary. Perhaps, it is due to its other qualities as a hemostatic, styptic, antibacterial, antimicrobial, and cytophylactic that make it a vulnerary, but the result is the same. [2]
Reduces Scar Marks
Everyone wants their skin to be free from scars and after marks of fat-cracks, surgeries, boils, acne, or pox. Unfortunately, many people end up spending a fortune and trying all the available cosmetic solutions on the market and still don’t get the desired results. Geranium oil can save them both time and money. It is a powerful cicatrizant, so it helps the scars and other spots on the skin fade. It facilitates blood circulation just below the surface of the skin and also helps promote a uniform distribution of melanin. [3]
Prevents Hemorrhaging
Geranium essential oil can stop hemorrhaging in two ways. First, as an astringent (more specifically, a styptic), it causes the contraction of blood vessels and helps in stopping the blood flow, as discussed above. Second, as a hemostatic agent, it speeds up coagulation and blood clotting, which aids in the healing of wounds and the prevention of toxins from entering the bloodstream through open or unclotted wounds. [4]
Improves Cell Health
Geranium oil promotes cell health, encourages the recycling of dead cells, and the regeneration of new ones. This helps in the growth of the body cells as well as the gametes, by making the body metabolize things efficiently.
Promotes Urination
Geranium essential oil has diuretic properties, which means that it increases urination. Urination is one of the three natural ways to remove toxins from the body. The other methods are excretion and perspiration, but urination is the most effective of the three. These eliminated toxins are urea, uric acid, bile salts, pathogens, and other synthetic or chemical substances, heavy metals, pollutants, and even sugar. Moreover, each time you urinate, fat amounting to 4% of the volume of urine and excess water is also removed from the body. Urination aids the digestive process and prohibits the formation of excess gas in the intestine. It is also an effective way of removing excess acids and bile secreted by the liver. Urination also reduces blood pressure because the more you urinate, the more sodium is eliminated, causing blood pressure to fall.
Geranium oil has a very pleasant and uplifting aroma, comparable to a combination of floral fragrances and mint. Surely you can imagine what an effective deodorant it would make. Its effects last for a long time and it is not harsh on the skin. Furthermore, owing to its property as a mild antibacterial substance, it aids in eliminating body odor. Unlike other substances whose odors are released in exhalation, geranium oil is a circulatory oil, which means that it exits the body during perspiration. Excess physical activity is usually the time when body odor becomes more apparent, but sweating releases the pleasant aroma of geranium oil following the aromatherapy sessions. [5]
Restricts Blood Flow
This property is nearly synonymous with hemostatic, but with a slight difference. Being a styptic means being a hemostatic owing to astringent properties. A styptic, like geranium oil, causes the blood vessels to contract and thus slows down or stops the flow of blood. This, however, can be a problem for people with high blood pressure.
Prevents Neural Degeneration
Microglial cells are integral components in the fight against neurodegenerative diseases like as per a study named ‘Anti-neuroinflammatory effects of geranium oil in microglial cells’ published in the Journal of Functional Foods. When microglial cells are activated, they release pro-inflammatory compounds like nitric oxide, which combat the inflammation in the neural pathways that cause neural degeneration. Geranium essential oil is shown to activate these microglial cells, and therefore, the synergistic relationship between geranium oil and the natural chemistry of the brain can prevent these dangerous and potentially deadly conditions. [6]
Acts as Tonic
A tonic is what tones up overall health. Internally, it makes all the systems and functions work properly by influencing the endocrine glands for regulating the secretion of various hormones, enzymes, acids, and bile. This results in a boosted strength and functionality of the respiratory, digestive, circulatory, nervous, and excretory systems. Also, it adds tone to muscles and skin and can improve your overall appearance. [7]
Eliminates Intestinal Worms
This particular property is very beneficial for children (and a limited number of adults) who suffer from intestinal worms. Geranium oil is a vermifuge and can help you get rid of this problem. [8]
Other Benefits
Geranium essential oil is very beneficial in the treatment of acne, dermatitis, and other skin diseases, as well as infections in the nose, throat, and other respiratory organs. Research has shown it to have a positive effect on eczema, neuralgia, burns, ulcers, tonsillitis, and pre-menstrual syndrome (PMS). Furthermore, it has powerful effects on uplifting spirits and mental functioning, which makes it useful in the treatment of chronic anxiety, and anger issues.
Word of Caution: Geranium oil can have sensitizing effects in rare cases. Since it influences certain hormone secretions, geranium essential oil is therefore not advised for pregnant women or for women who are breastfeeding, since it is unclear whether those same effects transfer through breast milk.
Blending: The essential oils which form fine blends with geranium oil are Angelica, Bergamot, Basil, Lavandin, Cedar Wood, Carrot Seed, Citronella, Lavender, Neroli, Lime, Orange, Lemon, Jasmine, Grapefruit and Rosemary Oil.