Home remedies for bed sores include the use of honey, aloe vera, papaya milk, comfrey leaves, elm, turmeric powder, witch hazel, myrrh, water, vitamin and fibre-rich diet. Bedsores are lesions or wounds, which in the due course of time take the shape of an ulcer, resulting in itching and inflammation of the surrounding area.
If not treated in an appropriate amount of time, bedsores may lead to life-threatening situations. These can be avoided by keeping oneself clean and dry and changing your posture regularly, so as to avoid pressure being built up at a particular area.
Home Remedies for Bed Sores
Some of the home remedies that need to be followed by the occurrence of sores and throughout the course of development of bedsores are explained below:
Vitamin-rich Diet
All essential vitamins like vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin D, and vitamin E should be consumed by bedridden, hospitalized, and elderly individuals in order to prevent the development of bedsores. Oils containing vitamin E can be applied over the body.
Comfrey Leaves and Elm
A clinical overview published in the Wiley Phytotherapy Research journal stated that the comfrey herb is used to treat skin inflammations, ulcers and insect bites. [1]
Equal parts of slippery elm and comfrey leaf powder should be made into a paste. This paste should be applied with a cloth over the sore, and should then be left overnight for healing. This is a very effective remedy. Use of some of these herbs is banned/restricted in some countries such as the UK so consult your local health specialist before use.

Bedsores often develop on the heels, ankles, hips, and tailbone. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Turmeric Powder
For disinfecting a pressure sore, turmeric powder can be sprinkled over the affected area.
Aloe Vera
Wounds can be cleaned with the saline spray containing aloe vera gel to keep them clean and prevent them from spreading. Use of aloe vera gel was found to prevent bedsores in hospitalized patients in an orthopedic ward in a randomized triple-blind clinical trial published in 2018 in the journal BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine. [2]
Papaya Milk
A bandage soaked with papaya ‘milk’ from either the trunk or its green fruit can be applied at least three times a day until the dead flesh is worn off.
Fiber-Rich Diet
Your body needs to heal the sores by making up the wear and tear loss and the deposition of protein fibers for quick healing. The consumption of beetroot, beans, lentil, rice bran, and fruits can definitely boost your fiber levels. Moreover, meat- and fat-rich diets should be avoided.
Dressing the bedsore area with bandage coated with a thick paste of sugar or honey causes detoxification of the wound because honey kills germs very effectively. However, the paste should not be diluted as it may enhance the growth of pathogens rather than destroying them. In Colombia, some doctors use thin slices of raw sugar for treating bedsores.
Witch Hazel and Myrrh
Sores can also be washed 2 to 4 times a day with a mixture of witch hazel that acts as an astringent and myrrh that acts as a resin.
Water keeps skin soft and removes dead tissues. Therefore, at least 8 to 10 glasses are a must. A study published in 2018 in the Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine found that hydration is critical for preserving the skin and maintaining its integrity. Dehydration can adversely affect the healing of the wound. Hydration supports the blood flow to the wounded tissues, preventing additional breakdown. The role of a vitamin-rich diet, as mentioned above, was also found beneficial. [3]
Some Other House Hold Tricks for Curing Bedsores
A bedridden patient should remember to switch positions at regular intervals. A change in posture at least every 2 hours has been recommended by experts. It should also be kept in mind by the individual suffering from bedsores that smoking causes dryness and reduced blood supply to the skin, leading to the formation of bedsores as well as a deceleration of the healing process. Hence, smoking must be avoided when you are in a situation where bedsores are likely. The consumption of caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee should also be reduced. [4]
In routine life, a ripple mattress or bed should be used to maintain proper blood circulation. To help guard the areas of the body that suffer from a lot of pressure, pillows, soft cushions, sheepskin, or blankets should also be used. While doing sedentary work for long hours, one should remove shoes and braces. People using wheelchairs should have seat cushions that fit the body well and are comfortable in the wheelchair.
To sum up, massaging the body regularly, avoiding friction, sliding, or any kind of rubbing of the body parts, keeping oneself dry and clean all the time, and eating a nutritive and fiber-rich diet can prevent you suffering from bedsores. As is commonly said- ‘Prevention is better than a cure.’