One of the more popular health juices on the market is beet juice, thanks to its incredible wealth of nutrients, including minerals, vitamins, fiber, and unique antioxidants. Beet juice is derived from the beetroot, which is the taproot of the beet plant, bearing the scientific name Beta vulgaris. Beets have been an important cultural and culinary element for thousands of years, stretching back across European history and beyond. These plants have long been cultivated for their bright-red taproots and were known early on for their potential medicinal uses.
Beet juice is a very common way of enjoying this root vegetable’s health potential, as it extracts a high level of the nutrients from the beet, and is relatively pleasant to drink. Usually, a question arises as to where to buy beet juice. You can find beet juice on the menu of a local juice shop, or also in selected supermarkets. As mentioned above, the capacity of this juice to improve certain medical conditions made it a cure-all tonic in many older cultures, and it is still considered one of the healthier juices for at-home treatment. Boasting significant levels of vitamin A, vitamin C, iron, calcium, protein, B vitamins, zinc, copper, choline, and selenium, as well as rare antioxidants called betalains, this fruit juice can do your body a world of good! [1]
Benefits of Beet Juice
The most important benefits of beet juice include its ability to lower blood pressure, aid digestion, boost cognitive health, protect the bones, detoxify the body, support vision, eliminate inflammation, increase energy, stimulate libido, and manage diabetes, among others.
Regulates Blood Pressure
Perhaps the most famous and important use of this natural juice is for high blood pressure. When drinking this beverage, the impact it can have on hypertension is almost immediate. This is most likely due to the presence of nitrates, which can relieve tension in the veins and arteries, allowing the cardiovascular system to relax. [2]
Manages Diabetes
There is a significant amount of soluble fiber found in beet juice blood pressure levels, which not only helps with digestion but also keeps blood sugar levels under control. A 2017 study by the Proceedings of the Nutrition Society has shown that the dietary nitrate extract from beet juice reduces the blood pressure of people with type-2 diabetes. [3]
Improves Digestion
With anti-inflammatory properties and a high level of soluble and insoluble fiber, one of the best benefits of beet juice is the impact it has on digestion. It can quickly clear up constipation and promote peristaltic motion, which can ease symptoms of cramping, bloating, and excess gas. [4]

Beet juice may boost stamina to help you exercise longer and improve blood flow. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Prevents Osteoporosis
Beet juice offers a wide range of minerals, including calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, zinc, copper and selenium, all of which can play a role in strengthening the bones, preventing osteoporosis and boosting bone mineral density. [5]
Improves Liver Health
The detoxifying effects of beet juice have been known for centuries, and modern research has shown that it can indeed protect and support liver health, while inducing urination, helping to expel excess toxins and fats from the body. [6]
Rich in Vitamin A
The presence of beta-carotene in beets is quite significant, meaning that this vegetable juice can have a serious effect on vision. Vitamin A functions as an antioxidant that can seek out and neutralize free radicals in the retina, preventing macular degeneration and slowing down the onset of cataracts. [7]
Reduces Inflammation
Betaine, the unique antioxidant found in beet juice, has a measurable effect on inflammation of the tissues, as well as on enzyme production and hormone balance. This means that betaine is able to soothe conditions ranging from arthritis and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to headaches and gout!
Boosts Energy
Although 2 grams of protein doesn’t sound too impressive, it is unusual for a vegetable, and in combination with the other minerals and vitamins, a glass of this juice can give the body a definite burst of energy. [8]
Boosts your Sex Drive
For thousands of years, beets have been considered natural aphrodisiacs, which can be attributed to the presence of boron, nitric acid, iron, vitamin C, and other minerals that play a role in sex hormone production and circulation. [9]
Side Effects of Beet Juice
Despite all of the impressive health benefits above, the side effects of drinking beet juice can include gastrointestinal distress, elevated cholesterol, and excess mineral storage. Furthermore, pregnant women are advised to use caution, along with those suffering from kidney disease.
Cholesterol – The unique antioxidants found in beet juice, primarily betaine, has been linked to elevated cholesterol levels, so if you are obese or currently suffering from atherosclerosis or hypercholesteremia, speak with your doctor before adding beet juice to your health regimen.
Mineral Excess – Beet juice is high in certain minerals, which is definitely a good thing, provided your body can process them properly. Some people suffer from excess iron and copper levels when consuming an excessive amount of beet juice, which can result in various unwanted side effects.
Stomach Issues – The powerful active ingredients and chemicals in beet juice can cause irritation in the stomach, resulting in vomiting, nausea, stomach upset, and general inflammation of the gut.
Kidney Disease – Drinking high levels of pure beet juice can significantly raise your levels of oxalic acid in the body, which contributes to the development of kidney stones. If you are already struggling with kidney health, speak with your doctor before using this juice and only drink diluted forms of this juice in moderation.
Pregnancy – There is some debate about the use of beet juice during pregnancy. As some of the nutrients and minerals can be beneficial for a pregnant woman, the best recommendation is to speak with your doctor about your particular condition before using this juice.