For a majority of people, losing weight is rather difficult. There could be several reasons such as hormonal imbalance, unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, sleep deprivation, stress, slow metabolism, genetics, or even a lack of motivation. Well, there are many ways for shedding those extra kilos, which include, cardio and strength training, having a well-balanced diet that includes more fruits and vegetables and less processed food, cutting down on sugar and high-glycemic index (GI) food, and the like. So, let’s look at how to lose weight and stay fit in these quick simple ways.
How to Quickly Shed Weight?
Unfortunately, many of the trendy ways to lose weight are not healthy, and crash diets can be dangerous for your long- and short-term health. While the best weight loss solution involves patience, determination, and resilience, combined with a proper diet plan, exercise, and lifestyle alterations, there are a few shortcuts that you can implement if you need to lose weight.
Home Remedies for Natural Weight Loss
Here are some simple home remedies for healthy weight loss:

The key to weight loss is consistency. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Honey and Lime
Consuming honey with lime is recommended for weight loss. Honey with lemon and warm water is a good way to start your day. Honey can play a role in weight loss in naturopathy.
Green Tea
Green tea is another way of reducing weight when combined with diet and lifestyle changes. Green tea is known to contain a powerful antioxidant named epigallocatechin gallate (ECG). This antioxidant is known to stimulate the fat-burning process in the body, as found by researchers Kao, Hiipakka, and Liao from the University of Chicago, US. So, it is highly encouraged to consume daily and is often recommended in weight loss programs. [1]
Drink Water
We all get thirsty, but sports drinks, sugary juices, and alcohol only add to extra calories to our diet and do not provide us with any nutritional benefits. Eliminate them from your diet and switch to water. Ideally, a person should drink 2-3 liters of water daily. It boosts your metabolic rate and increases urination, which helps you lose more water weight and prevents water retention. It is important to note that if you have been told by your Physician to restrict fluids due to heart and kidney complications, you should follow medical advice. [2]
Increase your Vegetable Intake
Vegetables, unlike white processed foods, are made up of complex carbohydrates, which means they take longer to digest, leaving you feeling full and satisfied. Researcher Charlotte Erlanson-Albertsson, in a 2015 report published in Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (Dordrecht, Netherlands), stated that thylakoid found in spinach can curb cravings and suppress hunger which can further help in weight loss. Furthermore, since vegetables are composed of a high percentage of water, they stimulate urination and a release of excess water weight. [3] [4]
Eliminate Refined Grains or Processed Food
Anything made of refined grain is going to make you gain weight because it is composed mainly of sugar and carbohydrates, both of which are quickly digested. They also leave you feeling unsatisfied, with a propensity to eat even more. These empty calories are the opposite of what you should consume to lose weight fast! [5]
Nutritious Food
People wanting to lose weight can opt for low-energy density food, including fruits, vegetables, fish, grains, beans, and lean meat. The inclusion of vitamin C-rich foods such as lemon and amla (Indian gooseberry) also helps in losing weight. For sufficient protein requirements, animal meats, and vegetarian options such as soya and sprouts can be included in your diet. [6] [7]
Eliminate Fast Food
Probably the most convenient thing to do when we are on the run is to satiate our hunger pangs by consuming fast food as it is available. Fast food selections also contain large amounts of sodium, carbohydrates, and unhealthy fat, which only contribute to weight gain, especially when eaten in large amounts. Thus, make time in your schedule to prepare healthier options that will last a few days or even the entire week. We tend to eat fast food quicker due to additives and eating something on the run increases the chances of overeating. If you do find yourself in a fast food restaurant, there are healthier options that are grilled and your sides can include a salad or fruit with a diet beverage or water. [8]
Drink Coffee Before a Workout
While some personal trainers might not suggest this as the best option, if you are trying to lose weight, the caffeine will give you an extra boost of energy, pushing you to work out a bit harder and longer, burning out a couple of hundred extra calories with each workout. If you have any medical history of heart complications, consult your health care professional first before consuming caffeine and then engaging in exercise. [9]
Yoga and Exercise
By exercising, your metabolism will improve. For example, alternate your workout regime with push-ups, lunges, sit-ups and the like, so that your body doesn’t get used to a routine. Alternatively, try doing yoga. This also aids in weight loss and improves flexibility. Don’t just exercise once a day; you want to keep your metabolism working at a high rate throughout your waking hours, so break up your workouts into smaller periods. If possible, trying to work out at least 4-5 times a week will speed up weight loss, in addition to portion control and a healthy diet. If you are unable to make it to the gym, walking outside after dinner or with a pet for at least 30 minutes daily is beneficial to your health. [10] [11] [12]
Switch from Sugar to Honey
Adding sugar to fruit juices, coffee, and tea will increase calorie consumption as studied by Malik et al, 2006 from the Harvard School of Public Health. Instead of sugar, it is advisable to switch to honey. Honey contains fructose and glucose in nearly equal proportions and it does not add too many calories to the body. Note that it is still important to limit the amount of honey being used as it contains 17 grams of sugar per tablespoon. [13]
Smaller Meals at Regular Intervals
Researcher Heather J Leidy, from the University of Missouri, Columbia, has stated in a research paper published in the Journal of Nutrition, that eating in small quantities at regular intervals increases metabolism, improves glucose and insulin control, reduces hunger and eventually body weight. By eating smaller quantities, you will be supplying a limited amount of energy. Eating in small cups and bowls can help in eating less food per meal. It is recommended to do three meals per day that are smaller in portion sizes and if needed, one snack between each meal. Also, having a smaller early dinner further aids in losing weight as this gives you the chance to consume more of your calories earlier during the day when you are likely to be more active and burn calories. [14]
Eat Slowly
People who eat slowly and mindfully consume fewer calories and don’t suffer from obesity nearly as often. Slow down your eating time, allowing your stomach to digest and feel full throughout the meal, which will help you only consume what your body actually needs. Dr. Yong Zhu, in a 2014 research report published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, suggests that increasing the number of chews before swallowing may help to reduce food intake and aid in weight management. [15] [16]
Get Enough Sleep
Your body needs a certain amount of sleep, and when it doesn’t attain its optimal amount, it will try to satisfy that lack of other things, such as craving food. Furthermore, if you sleep well, you’ll be more likely to be active during the day, less likely to skip the gym, and less prone to go for a high-sugar energy-boosting meal to give you that extra push. [17]
Quit Smoking
Although many people say that they have replaced their smoking habit with snacking to satisfy their “oral fixation”, smoking also causes much health and breathing complications that keep you from going to the gym. Smoking also causes impairment to your taste buds and decreases taste sensitivity. It is advisable to seek professional help from someone who is trained in smoking cessation. [18]

Fitness kit Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Oat Bran
Bran is one of the highest fiber foods out there, which not only keeps you full but also improves your digestion and eliminates waste effectively. This way you will lose weight and also stop yourself from overeating. [19]
Mushrooms are often turned to as a meat substitute because they can fill a similar role in your diet. They are in fact a low-calorie and low-fat alternative. Studies have shown that people who replace meat with mushrooms even once a week show significant weight loss in a short period of time. [20]
The healthy gut micro-flora that is included in low fat or non-fat yogurt helps to optimize your nutrient absorption, reduce fat intake, and protein per serving (you want to choose a Greek yogurt). [21]
Skip the Salty Snacks
High-sodium foods might be exactly what you crave when you are on a diet. However, salt causes your body to retain water, and increases your blood pressure, making you feel exhausted, bloated and more likely to sit on the couch and binge. Instead, season your food with products like Mrs. Dash and look for snacks that are lower in sodium and come in individual packets as you will be less inclined to want to eat the whole bag. [22]
Olive Oil
Some people balk when they hear that olive oil can aid in the weight loss process, but the types of fat included in olive oil, particularly oleic acid, trigger feelings of satiety in your body, reducing your chances of overeating. Besides, the beneficial omega-3 fats in olive oil will help increase your energy levels and reduce bad cholesterol from your system. [23]

Healthy weight loss remedy Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Cabbage is considered to be one of the negative calorie vegetables because it is believed that it takes more calories to digest than the calories actually found in cabbage. Cabbage can be added to vegetable juices and salads for effective weight loss to take place. [24]
A research conducted by the University of Liverpool and headed by the lecturer and senior researcher, Dr. Harrold, suggests that intake of prunes as part of a weight control diet can improve weight loss. Eating prunes in moderation provide a good amount of dietary fiber and promote the regularity of bowel movements. [25]
Avoid Sodas and Diet Drinks
Many people have the habit of drinking soda when they are thirsty. Sodas contain added sugars, which add to your weight. Even diet sodas contain sugar in smaller quantities. Instead, it is advisable to drink other liquids, such as water, lime or lemon water. Avoiding carbonated drinks is often a very important tip in any weight loss regime. To increase your water intake, consider fruit or cucumber infused water that provides a great taste without the added sugar or calories. [26]
No Crash Diets
Crash diets do not help in burning excess at. They actually trigger the body to break down its own muscle mass, which is not good for the body. Even if there is a slight reduction in weight with crash diets, results have shown that people have gained more weight in the long run.
Weight Management Solutions for Kids
Apart from the weight loss remedies mentioned above, there are myriad of potential ways to handle childhood obesity. Following are some of the most common and successful techniques for reducing childhood obesity and promoting weight loss. [27]
Diet Management
By urging children to eat more fruits and vegetables, you can inspire them to lead a healthier lifestyle that is actually fun for them! Replace soda and sugary drinks with water, milk, or all natural fruit juices. Healthy after-school snacks and eating three standard meals per day can help keep their appetite satiated, without resulting in binge eating of unhealthy foods that further result in childhood obesity. [28] [29]
Give them Freedom
Allow children to make healthier choices as an alternative and do not teach them about the complicated rules of calorie counting as that may only make them feel guilty. [30] [31]
Be a Role Model
Obesity often runs in families because children do what their parents do. For this reason, if you want to help your obese child lose weight, be a role model! Eat healthier foods, but also, start riding your bike more often – become more active and fit. Try to get your children to be active for at least 30 minutes per day and promote activities like football, baseball, or any other sport. Also, try to prepare more meals at home, particularly breakfast and dinner. [32] [33] [34] [35]
Limit Sedentary Activities
Sedentary activity not only promotes snacking, over-eating, and eventually obesity, but also decreases the physical movement and activity among children. So limit sedentary activities such as watching TV, playing video games and the like. [36]
There are plenty of other options that can be applied to your child’s lifestyle and behavioral patterns, but the aforementioned have been tried and tested, and can definitely solve the problem of childhood obesity.
Weight Loss FAQs

Planning your meals helps in keeping your taste buds as well as your health happy. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
How to lose or reduce weight?
There are many effective ways to lose weight, such as eating a high-protein, low-fat diet, working out 5-6 days a week (particularly cardiovascular exercises) drinking water before meals, adding caffeinated beverages to your day, eating food slowly, and incorporating high-fiber foods in your daily diet. By making both lifestyle and diet changes, you can see results quickly if you stick to your realistic weight loss goals.
How to lose weight fast?
If you want to lose weight fast, immediately change your diet to include high-fiber and high-protein meals, cut out unnecessary snacks, sugars, and sweets, and push yourself to go to the gym. By combining exercise with a focused diet, and centering your workouts around cardiovascular and core workouts, you can lose weight quickly!
How to lose body fat?
You can reduce quickly by adding protein-rich meals to your day, cutting out all unnecessary snacks and simple sugars from your diet, drinking a lot of water, and consuming more fiber. These strategies, when combined with a solid workout regimen, can help your body burn fat easily. Also, this will prevent overeating and optimize your metabolism.
How to lose stomach fat?
Stomach fat can be unattractive, but you can lose it in many ways, such as by adding cardiovascular workouts to your daily routine, focusing on core workouts, and avoiding empty calories. Things like alcohol and sugary, processed foods will often end up being stored as adipose tissue in your stomach (popularly known as the “beer gut”), so eliminating these foods from your diet is essential. Reducing stress levels can also help to eliminate stomach fat.
How to burn fat?
You can burn fat most effectively by performing aerobics, which is an effective form of cardiovascular exercise. Other forms of the same include running, swimming and biking. Also, cutting carbs and calories will force your body to work harder and boost your metabolism. High-intensity workouts are also very effective for fat burning. Burning fat can sometimes feel impossible, but there are so many ways to do so, and the important thing is to keep trying and never give up!
What to eat to lose weight?
Eating with a point of view to lose weight may sound counter-intuitive, but your diet is a key part of your weight loss goals. You should eat high-protein and high-fiber meals, as these will fill you up, allowing you to reduce your intake of calories and carbohydrates, without compromising on your nutritional needs. You should also eat healthy fats, fruits, and vegetables, and avoid processed food or those with trans fats.
How to lose weight fast for women?
For women, rapid weight loss strategies include drinking more green tea and water and avoiding sugary foods, including chocolate and desserts. Regular cardiovascular exercise can also help in losing weight, as it can boost the metabolism and make your body burn fat more effectively. Moreover, adding fiber and protein to your diet catalyzes the weight loss process!
How to lose weight naturally?
You can lose weight naturally by cutting down on your calories and carbs, boosting your protein and fiber intake, and drinking more water. All these factors can help you reduce weight, cut down on fat storage, and prevent overeating. Natural weight loss is challenging but can be possible, provided you are willing to put in the effort!