The treatments and home remedies for piles or hemorrhoids include the use of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and herbs that are easily available in most parts of the world. Other remedies include the use of cotton clothing and enema. These treatments for piles are regarded as effective and safe due to the use of all natural ingredients with no side effects. Piles, that are also known as hemorrhoids, are an inflammation of the muscular tube connecting the anus and the rectum.
A 2016 study published in the International Surgery Journal, stated that 70% of the population suffers from hemorrhoids and around 50 % of people over the age of 50 years have some degree of the hemorrhoidal problem. Males reportedly seem to be affected 2-3 times more as compared to females. This goes to show that it’s a pertinent problem that needs to be treated at the earliest. [1]
Home Remedies for Hemorrhoids or Piles
The treatments include simple home remedies, use of natural medicines, and also a few changes in lifestyle that help in treating piles. Smooth passage of stools without any irritation, pain, and/or bleeding is an indication of the disappearance of piles. Let us look at some of the home remedies in detail:
Drinking Water

Piles are collections of tissue and vein that become inflamed and swollen. Photo Credit: Shutterstock
Drinking sufficient amounts of water, which can be between 2 to 3 liters a day, helps not only to hydrate our bodies but also in easing and smoothing bowel movements. Certain techniques for smooth bowel movement can be practiced at home. Drinking at least one liter of water early in the morning helps in stimulating smooth bowel movements. The sudden flow of water into the stomach puts pressure on the intestines and helps in creating peristaltic movement and the water rushing inside the intestines moves the waste out in smooth movements. [2]
Fiber-rich Diet
A fiber-rich diet helps in creating softer stools and easy bowel movements. This, in turn, lessens the irritation caused by hemorrhoids. A high-fiber diet includes consuming the majority of vegetables, herbs, fruits, and unpolished cereal. As per the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines suggests that an average American must consume dietary fiber of 14 grams per 1,000 calories. For instance, in a 2,000-calorie diet, the fiber content is expected to be 28 grams per day. [3]
An enema is a very easy and effective remedy for piles. Enemas can be given with lukewarm water. The water entering into the intestine loosens the stool for easy and effortless bowel movements. [4]
Cotton Clothes
Simple cotton clothes that loosely fit are better because tight clothes can aggravate the irritation in the hemorrhoid area. They can also absorb sweat, which keeps the area dry and helps to avoid any bacterial infection.
Radishes are considered to be one of the best home remedies for piles or hemorrhoids. A half cup of radish juice consumed twice daily will help to cure piles. The local application of radish paste mixed with honey can also ease the associated pain of piles. [5]
In Ayurvedic medicine, figs have been used to treat many diseases, including hemorrhoids. Dried figs must be soaked in water overnight and then consumed the next day along with the water to give positive results towards reducing piles. [6]
Hemorrhoids may be treated with the help of probiotics or friendly bacteria. The best source for such probiotic bacteria is none other than yogurt! You should consume yogurt every day because the bacteria found in yogurt promotes the smooth functioning of gastrointestinal organs. [7]
Flaxseed, rich in fiber content and omega-3 fatty acids, is very helpful for hemorrhoids and constipation. Dr. James Duke in his book, The Green Pharmacy Guide to Healing Foods, suggests to consume flaxseed regularly in powdered form and not whole as crushed flaxseed is easier to digest. Furthermore, he states that flaxseed oil is not that effective as it doesn’t retain the omega-3’s and fibers, which are essential for the prevention and cure of constipation and hemorrhoids. [8]
Mango Seeds
Mango seeds are known to be a good home remedy for piles. These seeds have to be dried, powdered, and stored. This powder must be taken (1-2 teaspoons) twice a day. The powder is known to relieve swelling, pain, and itching sensation. [9]
Horse Chestnuts
Horse chestnuts or Aesculus hippocastanum are known to contain a saponin compound called aescin. Aescin has anti-inflammatory, anti-edema properties, and venotonic effects. It eases inflammation and strengthens blood vessels. [10]
Java Plums
The Java plum fruit is known to relieve bloody stools that are associated with internal piles. A 2012 study published in the Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine stated that various traditional practitioners in India used the different parts of the java plum plant in the treatment of piles and other ailments. As per the report, the fruit must be eaten early in the morning for a period of about 2-3 months for better results. [11]
Butcher’s Broom
The use of butcher’s broom, also known as Ruscus aculeatus, has shown good results in controlling piles. It has ruscogenins, which are known to have anti-inflammatory properties.
Pomegranate Seeds
Take some pomegranate seed peels and soak them in water for some time and then boil this mixture. Strain this concoction and take this twice a day in the morning and evening. This will help in relieving the symptoms and pain of piles. [12]
Aloe Vera
Aloe vera has been used for many centuries for treating burns because of its emollient, demulcent, and anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe vera secretions should be applied locally to external hemorrhoids to relieve pain and swelling. [13]
Ripe banana fruit is excellent for treating constipation, as well as piles. Mash a banana and mix it with milk. Have this mixture at least 3 to 4 times daily to ease the pain of piles. [14]
Witch Hazel
Witch hazel, scientifically known as Hamamelis virginiana, has properties of shrinking swollen blood vessels back to their normal size and therefore acts as a natural remedy for hemorrhoids. A paste of witch hazel can be applied locally to ease the swelling. [15]
Sesame Seeds
A 2016 report published in the Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation, recommends a mixture of sesame seeds and butter as an excellent remedy for piles. Make a paste of boiled sesame seeds and add a very small amount of butter to it and consume it every day. According to Ayurveda, sesame seeds act as very good medicine for a spectrum of diseases ranging from blood production, dental problems, and burns to regulating the menstrual cycle of women and curing hemorrhoids. [16]
Cumin Seeds
Cumin seeds can be used in a number of ways to cure hemorrhoids. Black cumin seeds are especially useful in dealing with hemorrhoids. Mix black cumin seeds with equal proportions of cane sugar (2-3 teaspoons) every day. After taking this mixture, one has to drink at least 3-4 glasses of water for best results. [17]
Bitter Gourd
Bitter gourd leaves are used to provide relief against piles. Make a juice of bitter gourd leaves and add it to buttermilk which must be taken every morning. Apart from the juice, a paste of leaves can be prepared and applied to external piles.
Ginger, Honey, Lime, and Mint
Take two tablespoons of ginger juice, lime juice, and mint juice and mix with 2-4 tablespoons of honey. Take this mixture every morning. It is believed to be a good cure for hemorrhoids. [18]
Turnips are another plant that is used as a home remedy for piles or hemorrhoids. Take the juice of turnip leaves and add the juices of radish, watercress, and carrot in equal proportions. Drink a glass of this juice every day to get rid of hemorrhoids. [19]
Indian Gooseberry
Amla, or Indian gooseberry, is yet another wonderful fruit from India. It is believed to possess the highest concentrations of vitamin C of any fruit, as well as many medicinal properties, and it is eaten in either fresh or preserved form. Indian gooseberry is good for many gastrointestinal problems, including hemorrhoids. [20]
There are different poses/asanas in yoga that can help in conditions such as hemorrhoids. Sarvanga asana, malasana, viparita karani, and balasana are some of the yoga poses that can be practiced to cure hemorrhoids. [21]
Turmeric is one of the ancient herbs that have been extensively mentioned in Ayurveda to have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiseptic, antioxidant, and anti-allergic properties. Its anti-inflammatory properties make it very effective in curing piles or hemorrhoids. [22]
Soft Toilet Paper
Other remedies include the use of simple and soft toilet paper tissue paper instead of the fragrance-filled variety.
Note: Fragrant tissues may contain chemical sprays that can increase the irritation and worsen the condition. The high itching sensation prompts patients to scratch uncontrollably. Scratching can rupture those healing wounds or scars and bring wounds back to their original painful levels. For any unforeseen complications, it is advisable to consult a doctor.
Medical Treatments for Piles
A fiber-rich diet coupled with a proper exercise regimen is effective in treating piles. If that doesn’t help, then you will have to resort to medical treatment. Medical treatment includes the use of painkillers like paracetamol. Your doctor may also prescribe you laxatives to relieve constipation, but these should be used with certain precautions, and should not be continued for more than 7 consecutive days. Point to be noted here is that these medicines only treat the symptoms but unfortunately do not cure the ailment.
If the condition of your hemorrhoid is very severe, then your doctor will either treat you with sclerotherapy, banding or through means of surgery.
For banding, the doctor uses an elastic band to cut off the blood supply to the pile area inside the anus. This makes the hemorrhoids give away. This treatment is usually undertaken in hemorrhoids grade 2 and 3. Dr. Andreia Albuquerque, in her report published in the World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery, stated that banding of hemorrhoids is very effective and is quite a safe procedure without any complications. It is, however, important to be well aware of the patient’s medical history, like comorbidities and medication. [23]
In this treatment, a medicinal injection is used, which shrinks the size of hemorrhoid. This treatment is prescribed to people suffering from hemorrhoids grade 2 and 3.
For grade 3 or 4 hemorrhoids, surgery is suggested by the doctor, in which they remove the excess tissue that results in bleeding. A local anesthetic is used for the surgery because it is usually quite painful. Side-effects may include difficulty in passing stool and urinary tract infections. This procedure is known as hemorrhoidectomy. [24]